Collagen Ophthalmic Matrix

Product Description (this product is currently in the process of getting approval) 

ABCcolla® Collagen Ophthalmic Matrix is the acellular porcine cornea which consists natural corneal scaffold. This product is sterile by γ radiation and is for the one time use.



  • No BSE risk
  • Excellent bio-compatibility, and can be absorbed by human body
  • Simply rehydrate before applying the product to the affected site to replace the damaged cornea
  • Various specs for different wound types
  • ISO10993 related tests passed
  • Excellent animal performance tests that showed great transparency.


AEG43H0    Ø5mm     20μm       

AEG44H0    Ø6mm     20μm

AEG46H0    Ø8mm     20μm

AEG47H0    Ø10mm   20μm

AEG48H0    Ø5mm     50μm

AEG49H0    Ø6mm     50μm

AEG4AH0    Ø8mm     50μm

AEG4BH0    Ø10mm   50μm

AEG4GH0    Ø5mm     80μm

AEG4HH0    Ø6mm     80μm

AEG4IH0    Ø8mm      80μm

AEG4JH0    Ø10mm    80μm

In process.